Post Secondary is Possible | Toronto

Post Secondary is Possible! Youth Testimonials on Post-Secondary Education

In 2013, LaPointe Productions teamed up with The Council of Educators of Toronto (CET) to help promote and rebrand their website with some creative promotional videos.

CET is a non-profit organization that works with educational institutions to encourage better student-program matches in order to make the pathways to post-secondary education much easier.

Focusing on their motto of “Post-Secondary is Possible,” we worked with CET to really enhance the personal stories of both past and present students. After much discussion, we were able to create a dynamic narrative that really showcased the inspiring achievements and obstacles that these students have overcome.

CET’s vision is “to enhance access to post-secondary for underserved youth in priority neighbourhoods and other areas in Toronto where needs exist.” For more information, please feel free to look at CET’s website:

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